16 October 2015

Materi Bahasa Inggris: Expressions of Certainty and Hesitation


Expression of certainty digunakan untuk menunjukkan bahwa kita yakin terhadap suatu hal.
Asking Certainty
Responding Certainty
Are you certain?
I’m quite sure…
Are you sure?
I’ve no doubt about…
Is that right?
Of course
Are you really certain about that?
I’m very certain

Expression of hesitation digunakan untuk menunjukkan bahwa kita tidak yakin terhadap suatu  hal.
Showing Hesitation
Responding Hesitation
I’m not too sure…
I’m a hundred percent certain…
I couldn’t say…
You can be sure about…
I couldn’t really be sure about…
There’s can’t be any doubt…
There’s some doubt in my mind that/about
I’m quite convinced/that…
I’m afraid I can’t be certain about…
I’m fairly sure…
I’m not convinced about…
I don’t think there can be any doubt about that
There’s surely some doubt about…
There’s no/very little doubt in my mind…

Aji       : Have you done the homework to record English news from the radio?
Wisnu  : Yes, I have. How about you? Have you done it?
Aji       : Not yet. I couldn’t really be sure about how to record news from the radio. Can you tell me the steps to record it?
Wisnu  : Okay, first, choose the radio station that broadcast English news. Second, insert a blank cassette into the cassette compartment. Third, set the function switch to the tape position. Next, press the record button. The play button is depressed automatically. Then, adjust the sound level with the volume controls t your preference. After that, to stop recording completely, push the stop or eject button.
Aji       : Are you sure?
Wisnu  : Yes, I’m sure.
Aji       : Thank you, Wisnu. I’ll go home and record the English news. See you!
Wisnu  : Bye.

Jawablah pertanyaan berikut dengan tepat!
1. Has Aji done his English homework? Why?
2. What is the first step to record newa from the radio?
3. Where should Aji insert the blank cassette?
4. What will happen if Aji push down the record button?
5. What does Aji say to ask for certainty?

Identifikasi pernyataan berikut berdasarkan dialog diatas dengan tepat! Tulis T (true) jika pernyataannya sesuai, dan F (false) jika pernyataannya tidak sesuai dengan dialog!
True or False
Aji has ever recorded news from the radio before.
Wisnu knows the ways to record news using tape recorder.
The first step to record news is inserting a blank cassette into the cassette compartment.
We can stop the recording process by pushing stop or eject button.
Wisnu is certain that his steps to record news are right.

Tags: materi bahasa inggris b.inggris smp mts kelas 7 8 9 tujuh  delapan sembilan ringkasan ulasan uraian summary tahun pelajaran sekolah menengah pertama madrasah tsanawiyah english rpp latihan soal test task teaching learning class metode semester ganjil genap progul program unggulan tahunan modul catatan panduan sumber ajar buku kompetensi inti dasar standar pendidikan pakem pembelajaran aktif kreatif efektif menyenangkan menantang portofolio guru siswa peserta didik pendidik school subject listening speaking reading writing grammar

14 October 2015

Materi Bahasa Inggris: Amel's Birthday Party


On Friday, June 23rd, I went to Amel’s birthday party. I was very excited. I went there with Lucky and Lily. We wore fancy dress because it was a fancy dress party. I wore a ghost costume. Lily became a warrior princess, and Lucky was a vampire.
            The party started at 7 o’clock. First, we sang ‘Happy Birthday’. Then, Amel blew the candles. After that, we ate some food and drank soft drink.
            Later on, we played some games. Everybody enjoyed them. I cheered so hard that I nearly lost my voice. While we were playing ‘Hide and Seek’, the lights suddenly went out. Some girls screamed. Fortunately, it didn’t last long. In ten minutes, the lights went on again and we continued the games.
            Before the party was over, the MC announced the best costume of the party. Lucky won the first position. He was so happy.
            My dad arrived to take me home at 9 p.m. I went home happily.

1. Who was having birthday?
A. The writer
C. Lucky
B. Amel
D. Lily
2. Why did they wear fancy dress?
A. Because it was ghost costume party
C. Because they were very excited
B. Because it was a fancy dress party
D. Because it was birthday party
3. Who wore the ghost costume?
A. The writer
C. Lucky
B. Amel
D. Lily
4. Why were the girls screamed out?
A. Because of ghost costume
C. Because they were playing hide and seek
B. Because of vampire costume
D. Because of the lights out
5. Before the party was over (paragraph 4). The word ‘over’ means…
A. Finish
C. Begin
B. Start
D. Run

Tags: materi bahasa inggris b.inggris smp mts kelas 7 8 9 tujuh  delapan sembilan ringkasan ulasan uraian summary tahun pelajaran sekolah menengah pertama madrasah tsanawiyah english rpp latihan soal test task teaching learning class metode semester ganjil genap progul program unggulan tahunan modul catatan panduan sumber ajar buku kompetensi inti dasar standar pendidikan pakem pembelajaran aktif kreatif efektif menyenangkan menantang portofolio guru siswa peserta didik pendidik school subject listening speaking reading writing grammar

Materi Bahasa Inggris: Days and Months


There are seven days in a week. They are Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday. These days are usually abbreviated by Sun, Mon, Tues, Wed, Thus, Fri and Sat. the day is usually divided into five: morning, noon, afternoon, evening and night. Morning is early part of the day between dawn and noon or generally before the midday meal. Noon is midday or at 12 O’clock in the middle or this day. Afternoon is the time between sunset and bedtime. Night is dark hours between sunset and sun rise.
            There are 12 months in a year such as January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November and December. Some months have 30 days except January, March, July, August, October and December have 31 days. While February has 28 days, but every four years, in the leap year, it has 29 days.

1. The second day of the week is ………………………………………….
2. The seventh month is …………………………………………………...
3. There are …………………. months in a year.
4. Today is Monday, the day after tomorrow is …………….…………….
5. How many hours does a day have? ……………………………………..
6. How many days do July and August have? …………………………….
7. How many days does February have? ………………………………….
8. How many second does two hours have? ………………………………
9. How many days do May and November have? …………………………
10. How many minutes do two hours have? ………………………………
11. Today is Monday. Tomorrow is ………………………………………
12. Today is Tuesday. Yesterday is ……………………………………….
13. Thursday is the day after ………………………………………………
14. Sunday is the day before ………………………………………………
15. Monday is the day between …………….…… and .………………….
16. Tomorrow is Friday. Today is ………………………………………..
17. Tomorrow is Friday. Yesterday is ……………………………………
18. Yesterday is Wednesday. Tomorrow is ………………………………
19. Sunday is the day ………………….……….. Saturday.
20. Saturday is the day ………………………… Sunday.

Tags: materi bahasa inggris b.inggris smp mts kelas 7 8 9 tujuh  delapan sembilan ringkasan ulasan uraian summary tahun pelajaran sekolah menengah pertama madrasah tsanawiyah english rpp latihan soal test task teaching learning class metode semester ganjil genap progul program unggulan tahunan modul catatan panduan sumber ajar buku kompetensi inti dasar standar pendidikan pakem pembelajaran aktif kreatif efektif menyenangkan menantang portofolio guru siswa peserta didik pendidik school subject listening speaking reading writing grammar