
05 October 2020

PTS Kelas 8



Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris

Hari/ Tanggal : Jumat/ 9 Oktober 2020

Kelas/ Semester : 8/ Gasal

Guru Mata Pelajaran : Dian Fauziah Lestari, S.Pd


Baca petunjuk pengerjaan baik-baik!

-Bagi peserta didik yang tidak dapat mengakses elearning, diwajibkan mengerjakan soal-soal ini untuk mendapatkan nilai PTS.

- Kerjakan soal dibawah ini pada buku tulis masing-masing dengan cara menulis jawabannya saja. Jangan lupa beri nama dan kelas seperti contoh berikut ini:

-Fotolah jawaban yang sudah ditulis kemudian kirim ke whatsapp guru mata pelajaran!

-Batas pengerjaan soal sampai hari Kamis 15 Oktober 2020 pukul 23.00 WIB.



A. Pilih jawaban A, B, C atau D


1. We can use the following expressions to ask for someone's attention, except...

A. Could you leave me?

B. May I have your attention?

C. Could we talk?

D. Listen to me!


2. Student: Excuse me Sir, could I interrupt? I have something to talk about.

Teacher: ........ I'm listening.

A. I'm sorry I'm busy

B. Yes, please

C. We can talk later

D. Wait a minute


3. Aldy: You had read the novel. Do you understand the story?

Diah: Yes, I do. The story is exciting.

The underlined sentence is an expression of ......

A. Getting attention

B. Asking opinion

C. Checking for understanding

D. Showing appreciation


4. Susy: Tonny, do you understand with this subject?

Tonny: Not really. Can you help me with that?

What kind of expression that Susy gives?

A. Getting attention

B. Asking opinion

C. Showing appreciation

D. Checking for understanding


5. Winda: Is it your new dress? How beautiful it is!

Intan: Thank you for saying so.

What does Winda mean?

A. She congratulates Intan.

B. She appreciate Intan

C. She does not like Intan’s new dress

D. She wants to have a new dress


6. Son: Dad, I get a good mark in my midterm test.

Father: Really? .............

Son: Thank you, Dad.

A. How beautiful you are!

B. What a nice book!

C. What an expensive motorcycle it is!

D. How smart you are!


7. Wahyu: I’ve problem with my phone. What’s your idea?

Zee: ……………

Wahyu: That’s good idea.

A. I think you should buy the new one

B. How pity you are

C. That’s not my business

D. Making a call is easy


8. Sinta: ……… about the math test?

Maryam: It’s too hard to do. I couldn’t answer number 3.

A. In your opinion

B. Would you agree that ...

C. What do you think

D. I believe


9. Lita: ...... sing a Sundanese songs?

Nina: I don't think I have ability to sing Sundanese songs.

A. Can you

B. Do you know

C. Are you

D. Would you


10. Mr. Doni: I wonder if you can operate Microsoft Windows.

Dinda: Yes, Sir. I’m able to operate Microsoft Windows.

Mr. Doni: That's good.

The underlined sentence shows….

A. Incapability

B. Capability

C. Attention

D. Understanding



B. Pilih B (Benar) atau S (Salah) untuk pernyataan dibawah ini




B / S


Ungkapan yang digunakan untuk mengecek pemahaman seseorang atau lawan bicara kitamengenai apa yang kita sampaikan kepadanya disebut checking for understanding.



“You look really beautiful” adalah salah satu contoh ungkapan pujian.



“How is your opinion?” adalah salah satu contoh memberikan pendapat (giving opinion).



Expressing incapability yaitu ungkapan untuk menyatakan ketidakmampuan dalam melakukan suatu hal.



Asking for attention adalah ungkapan yang digunakan untuk menanyakan kesanggupan seseorang untuk melakukan sesuatu.



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